Joe Abs New Nutritional Formulations
I’m super excited to be working on some great new nutritional supplements that are going to be ultra health supplements that you are going to want to take every day.

Even though I have not been able to get into my typical workouts since a crazy auto accident last October, I am still very much into health and fitness. And even more into diet and nutrition.
For most of the past 8 years, I have been what I call a “clean eater” – eating clean, which is very few processed foods and as little as possible sugars and salts. I’ve been taking supplements such as whey protein powder, preworkout formula, green tea, testoterone support and occasionally a cleanse routine. Combined with some intermittent fasting (basically just skipping breakfast) and once in a while skipping food altogether for a full day, it’s helped keep me fairly slender and in decent health – despite occasional bouts with ice cream and burrito abuse … (I somehow just discovered surf and turf burritos this past year).
The first products that will soon be available at will be both Vanilla and Chocolate Whey Protein Powder, an awesome product we call Colon Sweep, a natural Testosterone support product (mainly for us guys 35 and older), a fantastic pre-workout product in a couple of different flavors, a product we call Joint Flex (for us more ‘experienced souls’) and a Vitamin K product combined with Vitamin D3 – for those who don’t get enough green leafy veggies.
I cannot wait to start getting these great products into your hands and we will continue to work on developing other life enhancing nutritional products. Please let me know if there is any particular type of nutritional supplement that you are looking for and I’ll see what I can do!
C-ya down the road to Health!