Daily Workout: Thursday December 13, 2018
Yesterday was a good get back on track day – with both my workouts (activity) and nutrition. I set a personal recent record for steps with 26,699 steps – although I only spent 33 minutes 33 seconds on the cardio machine.

Perhaps the highlight was doing Day 2 of the 3 Week Yoga Retreat on BeachBody on Demand: Stretch. Each day I do yoga, I realize that I’m not nearly as limber nor in as good condition as I thought. Yoga is really a good practice and I’m really enjoying it – although I do have to admit it is difficult to stay focused on it (or anything else) if the 2 year old Ava Kalea is “up and at em”. She usually demands (and deserves) my attention.
Here’s my stats for the day:
Pushups: 15, 16, 16, 15 = 62
Mini Trampoline Jumps 150, 120 = 270
Sit-ups: 30, 30, 30 = 90
Cardio: 33 minutes, 33 seconds
Steps: 26,699
BeachBody Workout: Day 2 – 3 Week Yoga Retreat – Stretch
It may be worth mentioning that most days I have been focused on the core exercises and cardio, but do a little lifting every day. I will get better about writing down those activities over time.
Again, this wasn’t a great day, but it was a good “get back” day and I plan to finish up the year strong (although I will be leaving on Sunday for 4 days of epic skiing at Mammoth Mountain!)