Daily Workout: Saturday December 8, 2018

I really didn’t write down much of my workout yesterday, as I didn’t really plan on it being the first day of my new fitness documentation process.  That said, I did write down some of it on my white board and I will share the photo of that here – along with a screenshot from the Very Fit Pro app that I use with my fitness tracker and a course of me sweating (some of) my man boobs off after 60 minutes of cardio downstairs at the gym at our apartments.

I’m super happy to be starting to better document this process, but will need to develop a sustainable and effective method to do so.  SOOOOO – this documenting is sure to change over time, probably rather quickly and hopefully lead to excellent measurement and documentation – and peak performance results.

What I can document for yesterday’s workout:

20,854 steps including 60 minutes of intermittent, sweaty cardio (knees feeling decent for the past few days – perhaps due to taking Tumeric and Krill Oil)

Crunches (on balance ball) – 111
Pushups – 20, 15,21,15,20, 16 = 107
Mini Trampoline Jumps – 101, 103, 111 = 315
Situps (on incline bench) – 40, 45, 55, 60, 35
Planks – 100 seconds
Squats – 10, 11, 12, 10, 10, 10 = 63   Had not done squats in awhile due to knee pain and this was without weight.  Legs are fairly sore today.

Today’s documentation will be better – and I’m pretty sure that most of the numbers will increase (a definite benefit of documentation and measurement).

What kind of exercise did YOU do yesterday?  What will you do today?

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